
Jeremy & Jessie Effler




Jeremy &
Jessie Effler

Jeremy first traveled to West Africa in 2011 with a local church on a short term mission trip. He saw the great need, both spiritually and physically, and was never the same. His wife, Jessie, went with him in 2012 and they knew that the Lord was calling them to be involved in what He was doing in a small West African country. They waited until their oldest two children graduated high school in 2016. In July of 2017 they moved with their younger three children (Taylor, Samuel and Kaiya) to serve on the field full time. They are currently working alongside with Friends in Action International who partner with church planters in villages where there is limited or no access to clean water and drill water wells. With 1040 Visions, they desire to work alongside of local pastors, lay leaders and believers to plant churches. By living life everyday life with those around them, they have opportunities to disciple, teach and live out the gospel message.


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Jeff Benson





Jeff Benson is an associate with FRIENDS IN ACTION, engaged in supporting the long-term Vanuatu Water Project as a volunteer operator and team leader for the project. Jeff comes to FIA with a wealth of experience from the construction and excavations industry, having owned and operated his own construction company for many years. Having heard about the project during an awareness banquet in 2019, Jeff realized the Lord was challenging him to use his skills and abilities to serve Him in a new way on the field. “To their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power, they were willing to give of themselves, praying us with earnest entreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of ministering to the saints.” 2 Corinthians 8:3-4.


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JC & Melissa Kimmer




JC & Melissa

The Kimmer family moved to Senegal in 2020. After 19 years as a pastor in the United States, J.C. started teaching Bible classes at an international, Christian school in Dakar that represents over 30 countries from six continents. Melissa assists students there with learning disabilities. J.C. also leads music on Sunday mornings and facilitates a small group Bible study for high school boys. Additionally, he and Melissa both serve as Dorm Advocates for missionary kids in the school’s boarding program.


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Martin & Carrie Chappell




Martin & Carrie

Martin and Carrie Chappell have been serving in Southeast Asia since 1999. Their first mission assignment was teaching English in Yangon, Myanmar. Since 2002 they have lived in Bangkok, Thailand where Martin serves as the senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Calvary is an international church with members from all over the world. Each week there are worship services in English, Thai, Burmese, Karen, Nepalese, and Tamil. The church vision is Developing Hearts for God, Each Other, and Beyond. Developing Hearts for God: every ministry on Sunday is strongly Bible based and designed to introduce people to God. Developing Hearts for Each Other: we strive to develop community among our members by providing opportunities to fellowship and grow together. Developing Hearts for Beyond: we emphasize the importance of reaching out with the gospel message beyond the doors of our church.

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Local Pastor & Ministry Worker




Local Pastor &
Ministry Worker Fund

Time and time again, when talking with ministry leaders, there is a great need to train pastors and send them to remote villages to spread the Good News! Sounds easy right? Not quite. Language can be a barrier. Feeding themselves or their family will not come easily. So how can you help? A donation here will help send a new pastor to school. Help him get some needed supplies to get started. This page will also be used to support specific ministry workers who are assisting 1040 Visions in reaching the unreached. We will be communicating these needs privately. Many of these workers will be traveling or living in areas that have been deemed not safe for Westerners to travel. The threat is real so please be praying for God to send workers capable and willing to take His message to the Nations.

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Student Scholarships


Student Scholarships



We are focused on providing this life changing education scholarships to orphans and students from families in need.  For as little as $25.00 you can help send potential students to primary school and for just 50.00, a student going to secondary school!  We prioritize orphans first and impoverished families, second.
Every single student or family is interviewed by a local pastor and your donation is paid directly to the pastor who has recommended the scholarship.   He then goes and pays the school directly and a receipt audit and celebration is done every year.  The local church hold weekly kids clubs to disciple the students in order to participate in the program. Please prayerfully consider adding another young person to your extended family this year!

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Construction Projects


Construction Projects



Helping to build a House of Prayer or church is truly a labor of love. It is one of many opportunities for a village partnership. Your donation helps to provide the frame, flooring,  roof foundation, doors and windows and the village completes the build out.  There are also projects to help build schools, pastor’s homes and medical clinics.

The cost  in building a House of Prayer starts at $2,500.  There are several villages where believers are meeting and pastors are being trained to shepherd them.  Stay tuned for more updates on how you can be part of reaching the unreached

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Well Drilling Projects


Well Drilling Projects


Well Drilling

Next to bringing the Living Water to a village, drilling a well and providing clean drinkable water to a village that has none is so rewarding!

The cost of drilling a well varies based on geographical conditions and distance to the location.  One thing I can assure you every donation helps to provide a life changing difference in families lives.  Not only is drinking and using tainted water a thing in the past, but also the health of the village will be drastically improved. Its back breaking work for the women and children carrying jugs of water sometimes for miles back and forth.

Well Drilling – Change this sentence.  Drilling a hand pump well will cost between 6,000 to 10,000 USD and success is not always guaranteed. Cost of drilling a solar powered well, commonly used in Senegal is 15,000 USD.

We are raising money now for a well to be drilled in 2022!

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Refugee Education Ministry


Refugee Education Ministry


Refugee Education

The plight of the refugee is real in Thailand. For kids cramped up in small spaces, for long periods of time, going to school is not an option. But bringing school to them is!

A small donation here goes a LONG way. Books can be purchased and volunteers actually hold school in some very difficult surroundings. Will you join us in helping provide an education for some kids who are desperately in need?

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Refugee Food Ministry


Refugee Food Ministry


Refugee Food

There are many things we take for granted here in the US. Food and access to food is one of them.  But many throughout the world and especially refugees go without food, sometimes for days.  Can you imagine your children crying for help because they are starving and there is nothing that you can do?

We can make a difference.  Donate here as a one time gift or monthly gift to purchase food that volunteers bring to these families, many too frightened to even ask.  Isaiah 58:10 reminds us to pour yourself out or the hungry and satisfy the desires of the afflicted and then your light will shine in the darkness and your gloom will be as midday!  Shine your light!

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