
1040Visions believes in building relationships and sharing resources with like-minded organizations. Read below for upcoming fundraisers that our mission is hosting along with participating sponsors and partners.

Current Events

JC & Melissa Kimmer Update

If you missed the presentation at Southside Baptist Church with the Kimmer’s, here is the video to get up to date with their mission.

Let the Construction Begin

For those of you have ever built a house, this scene might look familiar although the dry arid landscape might throw you off a bit! This is the start of the Effler Mission House in West Africa which will be the hub of the ministry work there. Equipment for the well drilling equipment, other missionary partners homes, community gardens, clean water is the just the start of the vision for this property where the missionaries are the only Christians – for now! We trust in God’s perfect plan to reach this village in His Precious Name!  We are in the process of raising funds to complete the walls and roof before the rainy season. Southside Baptist Church is coordinating the fund raising effort and has provide a $12,500 matching grant from the Mission Fund to help complete the build. If you are interested in helping please send a check to Southside Baptist Chuch, 917 Carolina Rd, Suffolk Va 23434 and please make sure and put Effler Mission House on the memo line.

Crew Recognition

Big Shout Out to the group below, who are back from the mission field after working on the welding and construction of the building; housing the equipment and work area for the well drilling equipment. These folks should be very familiar to you all – Gary Wilkins, Floyd Jones, Nathan Leiter and Smitty! Below them is a picture of DawnMarie Brittingham with the Kimmers. Dawn Marie is back from Dakar helping assess special needs children at the International School where JC is teaching. I am told she is ready to head back again as soon as the needs arises.

God is on the move, my friends!  Will you be joining him,when he calls your name?

Take a look at all these smiling faces! Our student scholarship program has winded down to completion for this year and provided well over 400 scholarships including special help to this school very near and dear to many of our hearts.  Our missionary director Kader is already working on preparing for the upcoming year so we will be launching next years program in the near future.  Where else can you spend $25.00 to help send an orphan to elementary school or $50.00 for a secondary student?

We also are very happy to announce that we have just completed sending monies to provide clean water to a village in West Africa.  Our funds helped dig the well, the Lord provided the water and now the village is finishing up the fund raising for the equipment!  How cool is that? In the picture below is Kader and Little Red Jeremy!  He is getting bigger every day!!  BIG NEWS ALERT – Little Red is going to be a BIG BROTHER!  Please be in prayer for Sarah and Kader!  More details to follow!

Be on the lookout for event updates on the website to help continue supporting us. Thank you all and God bless!

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